
Privateer Dragons' IslandNEXT PAGE

Privateer Dragons Founders

Avast, me hearties! Are you looking for mirth and merriment? Then you're fortunate to have happened upon our port of call referred to by pirates as Privateer Dragons' Island, land of adventure.

We're the good-natured Privateer Dragons of the Caribbean, Laktos the Intolerable and Inga Cuckoo, who travel the seven seas in search of renaissance faires, pirate festivals, medieval and fantasy fairs.

If you're ready for fun, then set sail aboard the Morning Star. We're headed to the nearest renaissance faire for shore leave. Once we dock, you'll be meeting all sorts of scurvy pirates and salty dogs. Though some may be heavily armed, you needn't be afraid. Just announce "First round is on me!" and they'll be your best mate.

Tour Privateer Dragons' Island by clicking on the double arrows symbol NEXT PAGE at the top of each page.

Bristol Renaissance Faire 2019 Bristol Renaissance Faire 2017 Bristol Renaissance Faire 2017 Bristol Renaissance Faire 2017 Bristol Renaissance Faire 2016

Current 2024 Faires and Festivals

CA, Anderson: May 25-26, 2024  Shasta Renaissance & Fantasy Faire

CA, Grass Valley: May 3-5, 2024  KVMR Celtic Festival

CA, Irwindale: Apr 6-May 19, 2024  Renaissance Pleasure Faire

FL, Fernandina Beach: May 3-5, 2024 Isle of 8 Flags Shrimp Fest & Pirate Contests

FL, Ft. Walton Beach: May 17-20, 2024  Krewe of Bowlegs

GA, Fairburn: Apr 13-June 2, 2024  Georgia Renaissance Festival

ID, Moscow: May 4-5, 2024  Moscow Renaissance Fair

IA, Des Moines: May 11-19, 2024  Renaissance Faire at Sleepy Hollow

NH, Fremont: May 11-19, 2024  New Hampshire Renaissance Faire

NJ, Columbus: May 18–June 9, 2024  New Jersey Renaissance Festival

OK, Muskogee: Apr 27-June 2, 2024  Oklahoma Renaissance Festival

TN, Arrington: May 4-27, 2024  Tennessee Renaissance Festival

TX, Waxahachie: Apr 6-May 27, 2024  Scarborough Renaissance Festival

UT, Marriott-Slaterville: May 11-27, 2024  Utah Ren-Fest Pirate Weekend

VA, Hampton: May 31-June 2, 2024  Blackbeard Pirate Festival

WI, Janesville: May 18-19, 2024  Janesville Renaissance Faire

WA, Carnation: Events Year-Round  Camlann Medieval Village

Go to our Festivals page for more festival listings.

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Privateer Dragons of the Caribbean Maiden Voyage 2003

PrivateerDragons.com © 2024 Heidi Bosch Romano